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There is a place, some say a magical place,
Where a River's long journey ends
And old dreams bloom again.
There the breeze from the sea dances gently
Among ancient oaks and palms,
While swaying moss laced charms
Cast their spells into long lazy summer's
Loving arms.
The marsh grass whispers of sailors lore
And duels played out on Tybee shores
And History's rich dramas and ventures
Of lives pursued to their fullest measure,
All while,
Ole Sol's warming gaze shines down
On endless miles of white sand shores
And hidden coves.
'Tis there Moon River was born,
And there the "Sounders" made their homes.
There is a place, a very special place,
And for those lucky souls who have
Found their way,
It is there the magic is,
'Tis there the magic lives!

– Terry Moore ©2015