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On the banks of Severn reigns a beautiful queen,
With a crown full of glory on a throne full of dreams,
Fair Chesapeake's daughter sweet pearl of the bay,
Who sings to your heart as she steals it away.

Dressed in her blue skies with clouds floating by,
The sun on her face brings a glow to her eyes,
And even in grey with white robe and chill,
She melts a cold soul and nurtures a will.

With halyards and lanyards full sail to the breeze,
That fly from her shores like autumn's bright leaves,
Both honor and beauty she keeps for her charm,
And welcomes her children with a mother's wide arms.

Her gambrel roofed buildings with winding brick lanes,
Run rich in the history that courses her veins,
From the old tulip poplar to Cornhill and Fleet,
Great spirits still ramble down "Crabtown's" backstreets.

This realm of "1st luffs," Mahan and Jones,
And prayers to Tecumseh and nights on the foam,
Where Cristobal squawked and legends run deep,
From time honored halls pride's earned well its keep.

Oh, just to look once more on her face,
To sheet out the jib and sail the good race,
When the wind lays to the westward and Sol gives up the day,
May we rest in the arms of the Queen of the Bay.

– Terry Moore ©2015