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To be in this place is to understand,
The elegant poem from a young lawyer's pen,
As he stared at the symbol of a new nation's soul,
That greeted the dawn with its lofty young goals.

Nearly two centuries on those dreams are still here,
Sometimes tattered and torn and stained by the years,
But this city embodies all we can be –
A community of differences, united and free.

It is dreams of "the Babe" and row houses and friends,
And majestic old clippers racing the wind
And blue crabs and johnnycakes and back alley days,
Ole Attman's hotdogs and Pimlico ways.

It is understanding and tolerance for things not the same,
And healing old wounds without casting new blames,
It's a neighbor's pride and an infant's sweet laugh,
And the courage to look forward still revering the past,
"Anacreon in heaven," we may still strain to sing
But thank God in our hearts we still honor the dream!

– Terry Moore ©2015