These six images are 
just a sampling of the 43 
Artistic Map notecards 
which are available. And 
more are in the works. 
View the Collection 
to see them all 
at a larger size 

Coast of Maine

Hampton Roads

Twin Rivers

Florida Keys


Great Lakes

View the Collection to see 
the lighthouse area groups 
at a larger size 

North Carolina

New Jersey


South Carolina

These are individual 
scenes for each of the 
seven North Carolina 
lighthouses and one 
from South Carolina 

Cape Hatteras

Cape Lookout
Bodie Island

Currituck Beach

Bald Head
Oak Island

Morris Island, SC

Various scenes 
from original artwork. 
Some are local to the 
Cape Fear area of 
North Carolina 
Two Strikes

Battleship NC

Kenan Fountain
And I Dreamed
I was flying

framing options   waterways wear   tapestry afghans
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