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Kissed by the dawn's cool breath
And the rolling mists from the sea,
I stood alone at the Earth's edge
And gazed into – what seemed, eternity.
There by the blue enchanted bay
With laurel trees and otter's play,
My soul became a child once more.
With each wave's crash upon the shore
The "Long Valley," the old Mission Road,
Vestiges of a world now gone,
The fleeting ghosts of Cannery Row,
The last faint strains of a fisherman's song,
So much more than a kingdom of sea and earth
That shall not be captured in trite poet's verse,
Its spirit lies for words too deep
For mortal lips to ever speak,
Like an old lover – or long departed friend
That transverse all time and reach within,
There in the call of the wind and the foam
My restless heart returned again home.

– Terry Moore ©2015